Den handlar också om kärlek...

Femdom love is a must in the couple, as it is part of a healthy relationship. Without love, a femdom couple doesn’t exist.

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Mitt liv blev en samtyckande icke-samtyckande 24/7 FLR. Min sub gör villkorslöst allt jag ber honom om, annars får han ett straff.
Jag kan vara rar men också grym. Det låter hjärtlöst och orättvist, men i själva verket är det kärlek.
En annan typ av kärlek, men det är fortfarande kärlek.

A true Mistress has a big heart, full of love to give to her submissive. The form in which love is given is at the discretion of the Mistress herself.

In my femdom relationship, there is a lot of love. There is affection, caresses, kisses, hugs, there is personal care towards my submissive especially after a severe session.

It is important that the submissive perceives the femdom love, in this way he is convinced that with his Mistress he is safe, that he is protected and that he can totally surrender to her will.