Online keyholding is getting popular.
In a standard male chastity relationship, things are simple. The slave wears the cage, the Mistress holds the keys. But for a growing number of chastity enthusiasts a Mistress is a luxury they simply don’t have.

While there’s plenty of different kinds of content and guides to enhance your solo slave experience (including the videos right here), one problem always remains;

The keys.

It’s far too easy to simply give up and unlock your own device when there’s nobody there to stop you. That’s why many men are turning to online keyholding services – which will take your keys and keep them safe while you enjoy an authentic chastity experience.

But with so many different kinds of online keyholding services available, what should you expect? We asked Mistress Tracy, an ex-keyholder who now works for chastity brand Lock the Cock for some insights.


Online keyholding Services Aren’t Mistresses, But Some Mistresses Are Keyholders

“I think the first thing that trips up a lot of newer slaves is understanding exactly what kind of service they’re looking for. Many will simply take your key and that’s it. No interaction, no support.”

“If you’re more interested in having a long distance Mistress, you’ll need to spend time researching each option until you find one that suits you. Even then, the Mistress will also be free to decide whether or not to work with you, so don’t expect to find the perfect online chastity keyholder immediately!”

As Mistress Tracy explains, each online keyholding service will offer it’s services in a different way. Which you choose will depend on your own needs, preferences and situation, but to simplify the process we’ll give you a brief overview of how some of them work.


Padlock Shipping Services

These services are simple. You usually choose how long you want to remain caged, pay the fee, and they’ll send you a padlock. Once you’ve locked your device you’ll have no way to escape until the time is up and they send you the key.

online keyholding
Źródło: Pinterest

Pure Keyholding Services

In a similar way, a pure keyholding service will require you to lock your device then post the keys to them. After the chosen time period is over, they’ll mail them back to you. Some will require you to keep hold of the spare key, others will let you send both so be sure to check.


Mistress Services

An online Mistress often works differently. Rather than physically taking the keys away from you, they’ll instead enter into an agreement much like a Mistress would in person. Once the details have been decided, they’ll get you to lock up the cage and usually ask for some kind of proof. This could be a picture, or even a video call.

Once locked, most of these kinds of Mistress will provide interaction for the specified amount of time. They might demand photos at random times to prove you’re still locked. Some will supervise your cage cleaning through video call. Or, they might simply text or email you during the experience, providing encouragement but ultimately leaving you still in control. Each Mistress is different, so if you go down this route make sure to have a full conversation about what to expect.


Mistress Keyholding

A combination of all the different services shown above, this can be as basic as simply a “Mistress” taking your

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Źródło: Pinterest

Online Enabled Devices

A recent development in the chastity scene are cages that are capable of connecting to the internet, and don’t feature the traditional padlock. Instead you pair your cage with another person, and they are able to lock and unlock it at their leisure. The Cellmate is currently the most widely recognized cage with these features.

Some online Mistresses are experienced in using these, others aren’t. You can also pair up with friends, acquaintances, or even complete strangers. If you’re not looking to spend a lot of money on keyholding services, these devices could be a good choice.


Trust Based online Keyholding

This one is a little different to the other services we’ve discussed, but you’ll often find groups on forums and boards utilizing a trust based approach to online keyholding. Typically this will involve some kind of safe or padlock with a combination lock. When locking the device you scramble the numbers randomly and take a photo without looking. This photo is passed on to someone else on the board, who will tell you the combination if the need to unlock arises.


These rough “categories” cover most of the services you’ll find online, but there’s a lot of crossover between them. If you’re looking for something specific, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll find someone willing to provide it… for the right price. But even if you’ve found the service you’ve been looking for, Mistress Tracy has a few more tips to help you get started.

Start Slow

“Just like I always advise new slaves who are trying their cages, you should start slow with an online keyholding service. I’ve seen far too many slaves think they were up to the challenge and ask for me to hold their cage for weeks or even months, only to need them back after a few days.”

“Start with something short like 1-3 days and make sure the experience is smooth and works the way you expected before you opt for some of the longer periods. Then when you do, make sure you’re experienced! The first time you wear your cage for two weeks shouldn’t be when someone else has the keys!”

Know Who You’re Talking To

“Anyone can build a website these days, so you want to be sure the keyholder you’re planning to use is legitimate. You don’t want to send your keys away with no way to get them back!”

“Look at reviews, trustpilot, chastity boards, anywhere you can find information about the service you’re interested in. If it’s a more bespoke Mistress service, don’t be afraid to ask questions (I wish many of my slaves did). If anything feels off at any point during the process, you could send a key without locking your cage just to make sure you get it back when you’re supposed to.”

“If you’re completely overwhelmed and not sure where to look, then House of Denial offers a list of verified keyholders that will give you some piece of mind.”

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Source: Consensual Dominance

Read Everything Carefully

“The fact that we’re even recommending reading should tip you off that there should be things to read. If you find a keyholding service that doesn’t have clear terms and conditions, FAQs, or, in the case of a Mistress, some kind of written contract, then that should be a big red flag.”

“Any documents you are given by your prospective keyholder, you should read start to finish and make sure you fully understand. Any questions, ASK! I’ve had so many slaves freak out during an agreement because they didn’t read the information I gave them properly.”

Think About The Spare Key

“Sometimes an online keyholding service will take your second key to make sure there’s no escape options, but generally I don’t consider this the norm. Whenever I lock a slave up and I know I won’t be there for a period of time (even just a few hours), I want to know that they can get out if they need to. You never know what’s going to happen.”

“That means you’re still going to have a key, so you need a plan. If the temptation is too much then you’ll just unlock yourself anyway which completely defeats the object of paying for an online keyholding service in the first place.”

“If you can’t be trusted with any access to your cage at all, then consider asking a friend or neighbour to look after the spare. It should be close enough that getting it in an emergency isn’t difficult, but not so easy to access that you can unlock whenever you want. Check out the Lock the Cock guide to solo chastity for some more suggestions.”


The Keyholding Service You’ve Always Been Searching For…

Just because you don’t have a Mistress, it doesn’t mean you’re have to miss out on the full chastity experience. Handing over control to someone else is an experience worth having, and amplifies many of the things we all love about male chastity.

Online keyholding might be the answer you’ve always been looking for, so take our tips and find your perfect match now.