Går i naturen iført en kort sort kjole

Mistress walking in the woods and wearing a short and sexy black dress. All her shapes are well in evidence and she looks great.

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Jeg har efterladt min ubåd ikke langt herfra, så jeg kan nyde min tid i dette eventyrlandskab, men stadig holde øje med ham.

I told him “Patiently wait for me”, and he will.

I love being in nature. It gives me a tranquility and peace of mind that I sometimes need.
The green of the plants, the scent of the forest, the chirping of birds, all of this relaxes me.

Naturally, I never leave the house dressed in an easy and comfy way. Even to go to the woods I wear one of my sexiest dresses. A tight, short cocktail dress that highlights my perfect body.

Mistress walking in the woods like a queen.