
当我明白我的天性是 "不同的 "时,我首先问自己的一个问题是。 我如何定义自己?

我开始在网上搜索与 "女权特征 "有关的关键词,如女性统治、羞辱、恋物癖、控制、权力交换、服从、性实践、BDSM,以及类似的关键词。

在研究中,我明确指出,所有这些都发生在一对夫妇身上,我发现这被称为 "女性主导的关系" (FLR).在这种关系中,女人支配着她的男人,控制着他,并在各个领域领导着这种关系。通常情况下,这成为一种24/7的日常生活方式。

My femdom characteristics come out in each and every video I shoot. Seeing is believing!



  1. 女性控制男性
  2. 赋予妇女权力



  • 低水平FLR伴侣:女性的主导地位很低,它更多地是关于同意和商定的决定。女人喜欢主导,但也喜欢与她的伴侣保持同步。
  • 中等水平FLR女性只在夫妻生活中的几个方面起主导作用。她喜欢男性的关注而不感到内疚,但不喜欢在必要时惩罚他。这更多的是角色扮演,而不是真正的夫妻关系。这对夫妇经历了一些轻微的BDSM活动。
  • 正式级别的FLR。 非常类似于母子关系。女人喜欢控制她男人的生活,并管理其所有领域。另外,性生活也比较变态。
  • 极端水平FLR。 非常激烈的关系,在这种关系中,女性认真地把她们的男人当作顺从者。它还涉及更深入的性游戏和BDSM实践。


How to become a real Mistress with genuine femdom characteristics

Sometimes you have it inside, sometimes you can transform yourself into a dominant person. This “role” is erotic and powerful. Femdom characteristics are clear and you should have at least a few of them. Femdoms own the authority, submissives are often masochist and have fantasies about sex. 

重要的是,你和你的伴侣在你们的角色中都感到 "舒服"。作为一个女权主义者,你必须在你的角色中保持一致,并完全控制你顺从的男人的情况。


我想再次强调,这与暴力或痛苦无关:支配也可以是甜蜜和愉快的。这个伟大的组合将 调剂你的关系,我可以保证。



Here below you will find a list of the 10 femdom characteristic that you, as a Mistress, should have:

1- Attentive to details

Attentiveness to details cultivates precision, enhances problem-solving, and fuels a positive, thorough approach, fostering excellence in various endeavors.


当我准备我的会议时,我计划我需要做的每个步骤。我提前准备好工具和环境,事后,我可以完全享受这一刻,品尝到深深的快乐。另一方面,如果奴隶注意到女主人控制着一切,他就会感到更安全和有保障。他可以完全把自己交给她的力量。如果你想了解更多关于如何 准备一场精彩的会议,你可以阅读我的另一篇文章。

2- Naturally dominant (femdom)

Being naturally dominant can inspire confident leadership, effective decision-making, and the ability to guide a submissive, promoting a positive and assertive presence.


3- In control

Being in control cultivates a sense of empowerment, fostering order and efficiency. It instills confidence, enabling strategic decision-making and resilience.

A real dominant woman knows how to take control of her man, and knows how to keep him in her hands. After establishing a hierarchy, from top to bottom, the femdom has the power to take any decision within the couple.

When you are dominant, you are always aware of what is happening, you are calm, rational and you have your emotions under control. 

我喜欢 使 决定,但我更喜欢看到我的奴隶服从我。这对伴侣双方都很满意。如果你不相信,就试试吧。

4-  Multi-tasking


Multi-tasking showcases adaptability and efficiency, allowing a Mistress to juggle diverse tasks seamlessly. It reflects resourcefulness and enhances productivity in femdom relationships.

5- No boundaries

真正地、深入地生活 a FLR relationship, both Mistress and sub don’t need to have mental and physical boundaries. Imagine how erotic it is when you are open to any new experience or sexual play. 

这是一种 "自由 "纪律,这意味着没有普遍的规则。唯一的规则是由女主人制定的规则。

MistressKym 在她的地牢里,穿着黑色短裙和黑色高跟鞋。

6- Love in a different way

As mentioned previously and in other posts, this practice is an act of love. Common beliefs say that this is a violent and unhealthy practice. On the contrary, I think this is very healthy and useful for the body and mind.

Having my sub’s respect and worship makes me love him. I know he is under my responsibility, therefore I carefully take care of him and his emotions. 

7- Smartness

This is one of the most challenging femdom characteristics, as it involves intelligence, mental games, tricks, and a basic psychological background. I remember I practiced it a lot with my sub, trying to trick his mind and obtain what I wanted in a sensual way. It works!

Smartness embodies sharp intellect, quick problem-solving, and insightful decision-making. It fosters adaptability, innovation, and a passionate approach to femdom relationships, ensuring success and continuous arousal.

8- Outside-the-box attitude

Thinking outside the box signifies creative ingenuity, an ability to innovate beyond conventional limits. It fuels novel solutions, encouraging experiences and uniqueness.


9- Determination


10- Proactivity

我建议女性主义 "初学者 "要积极主动,不要拘泥于通常的行为。总是有改进和学习的空间。我仍然在阅读有关FLR和BDSM的书籍。这个世界是巨大的,奇妙的,你将永远不会厌倦发现和体验新的活动。


You can check some shots about these femdom characteristics on my website, 现在加入!



A truly wonderful femdom lifestyle and enduring happiness with your sub are built on a foundation of diverse positive femdom characteristics.

Attention to detail fosters a deep understanding. Natural dominance, when balanced with empathy, ensures effective decision-making and leadership within the relationship. Being in control provides a stabilizing force, promoting a sense of security and reducing unnecessary stress.

The ability to multi-task is invaluable, allowing a Misstress to manage the complexities of life with grace and efficiency.

Smartness, coupled with outside-the-box thinking, encourages innovation and adaptability, ensuring a dynamic and evolving femdom relationship.

Proactivity serves as the catalyst for personal and collective growth, as it empowers a Mistress to shape her future.

Together, these femdom characteristics create a holistic framework for a fulfilling  and a harmonious FLR. They foster resilience in the face of challenges, promote shared aspirations, and infuse everyday moments with purpose and joy. Embracing these femdom characteristics collectively enhances the journey of self-discovery and mutual growth, laying the groundwork for a profoundly satisfying lifestyle and a deeply fulfilling connection between Mistress and her submissive.