If you are someone who is excited by the idea of female domination (femdom), then you need to find somewhere to start. For many guys in a happy enough relationship, dissatisfaction often begins in the bedroom. With that being the case, you might not feel comfortable asking your ‘plain Jane’ wife or girlfriend to be a bit more dominant. You might not even be in a relationship.

Regardless, the thing you should be focusing on is going down the route of femdom dating. However, femdom dating is not like going on a normal date – it requires more preparation and patience.

So, where do you start? Here are some tips for femdom dating online to get the best experience.

Mistress Kym showing her barefeet to you while enjoying a glass of wine in her bed femdom dating

Tips For Femdom Dating Online For The Best Experience

Never Lie

Our first tip for you is a good rule in life, generally, to be honest. Stop lying to yourself and your partner. When you create a femdom dating account, be very clear about who you are and what you are looking for. This helps to find the right femdom partner and avoids you wasting anyone’s time.

At the same time, this does not mean that your account on any femdom sites should be giving out your personal information. There is no need to tell people things like your full name, address, location, occupation, or anything like that. This is the kind of thing that can maybe come out as you make a proper connection with a femdom; at first, though, make sure nothing gives away who you truly are.

The things to be clear about on your profile are what you are looking for and what you do not want. Other information should be kept as private as you can until you get to know and trust your femdom partner.

New Data

Avoid using things like pictures of yourself that might be easily found. For example, some users in the past have found their identity violated because they use the same profile picture as they use on Facebook. Unfortunately, reverse image searching makes it easy for people to find out where you are based, even if you do not want them to. Use unique images that cannot be found on other profiles.

Respect The Rules

Another aspect of femdom dating to take into account is that any femdom worth your time will come with some very strict rules. Break those rules, and you will lose their interest and trust. So, if you are given rules, respect them: by the same token, set regulations and limit yourself so the experience is fun for you.

Setting in place some proper limits about how far a femdom experience can go is very important. OK, the aim is to lose control, but you still have the right to say ‘no’ at any time.

Mistress Kym visar dig sina nakna fötter och sulor medan hon dricker lite vin.

Find The Right Partner

Of course, there are many great femdom websites out there that you might consider trying out. Finding the right partner for your femdom dating is so important, as working with the wrong person creates the most incorrect chemistry. Always focus on finding a partner with whom you can feel comfortable engaging in this kind of behavior.

It would be best if you were looking for very clear sites about things like moderation and support. This makes avoiding bots, timewasters, scams, and illegal offers easy. The best femdom sites make sure that every profile is vetted so that there is as much anonymity and protection as possible.

Look For Red Flags

Does the profile you are chatting to seem to be using images from a modeling agency? Are they deliberately vague on the questions you should reasonably expect an answer for? Have they asked for money? This is all the kind of thing to look out for as red flags.

If you feel uncomfortable or uncertain, do not take the chance. Your femdom experience should be immensely satisfying, not awkward or unhappy. If they seem to be dodgy, break contact and move on. Always try and have a video call with your proposed femdom dating partner before meeting up.

Set Your Own Pace

Your first femdom experience with one of the many femdom personals waiting for you out there should be taken slow. Unless you are experienced at femdom dating and have enjoyed a deep femdom experience in the past, start things off slowly.

Avoid going too heavy, as being too dominated on your first femdom dating experience is likely to ruin it for you. Take it slow, let things build up, and enjoy the experience. Domination is one thing; being forced into a sexual act, you feel miserable about afterwards is another!

Some femdoms will try and play on your insecurities – “you do as I say” or “a real partner would simply do what they are told” – do not allow that to happen. Femdom is supposed to be fun, not a bullying experience.

Build Trust Before Domination

The best way to enjoy femdom is to enjoy a date together first. There has to be personal chemistry as much as anything else for femdom to feel real as opposed to forced. So, build that sense of trust and togetherness before doing anything else. If you like, a quick bite to eat together and a few drinks could be a good way to build up trust and understanding together before you go any further.

Keep these tips in mind, and you should be much more likely to have a highly enjoyable femdom dating experience!