A male chastity day – a sub’s self exploration

I am a man, and I would love to submit to Mistress Kym for a male chastity day. Do I have any problem?

It seems that having a preference for submitting to a woman in a consensual sexual or BDSM relationship is not inherently problematic. Even if it is about a male chastity day. As long as all parties involved are consenting adults and engaging in safe, respectful behavior, what consenting adults do in private is their own business. It’s important to have open and honest communication with partners about boundaries and to make sure all activities are safe and consensual.

I want Mistress Kym to dominate me in real life. Is that wrong?

They say that it is not inherently wrong to want a Mistress to dominate you in a consensual sexual or BDSM relationship. As long as all parties are consenting adults and engaging in safe, respectful behavior, what consenting adults do in private is their own business. However, it’s crucial to have open and honest communication with your partner about boundaries, to make sure all activities are safe and consensual, and to respect each other’s boundaries and desires.

What makes me crazy hot is when a Mistress controls my orgasm. What does that mean?

のです。 practice of controlling someone’s orgasm is commonly referred to as “edging” or “orgasm control” in BDSM. It involves delaying or restricting someone’s orgasm, often through techniques such as stopping and starting sexual stimulation or denying orgasm altogether. This can be an aspect of power play in BDSM relationships and is usually practiced consensually between partners. As with any BDSM activity, clear communication and the establishment of clear boundaries and limits is essential for the safety and comfort of all parties involved. A male chastity day is a great start to experience this practice.

Mistress Kym loves to control her sub’s orgasms. In her videos you see the passion and dedication she put in what she does, and you see her sub’s excitement increasing!

Which are the benefits of chastity, from history to nowadays?

Chastity, or the practice of abstaining from sexual activity, has been viewed and practiced differently throughout history and in various cultures. Some common benefits that have been attributed to chastity include:

  • Spiritual growth: Chastity is often viewed as a spiritual discipline in many religious traditions, and practicing chastity can be seen as a way to increase devotion and spiritual growth.
  • Self-control and discipline: Abstaining from sexual activity can be seen as a way to exercise self-control and build discipline.
  • 情緒の安定: For some, chastity can provide emotional stability and reduce distractions from other areas of life.
  • Increased focus on other aspects of life: Practicing chastity can allow a person to focus on other aspects of their life such as relationships, work, and personal growth.
  • Health benefits: Chastity can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy.

Practicing a male chastity day in itself is not inherently dangerous, as long as it is a personal choice made consensually. However, if chastity is imposed on someone against their will, or if it involves physical restraint or other unsafe practices, it can become dangerous.

It’s also important to be aware of the potential psychological effects of practicing chastity, such as feelings of guilt, frustration, or repression. If these feelings become overwhelming or interfere with a person’s well-being, they may need to reassess their relationship with chastity and seek support if needed.

As with any aspect of sexual or BDSM practices, clear communication, mutual consent, and the establishment of safe and respectful boundaries are crucial for the well-being of all parties involved.

male chastity day

Which are these psychological effects mentioned before?

Here are some of the potential psychological effects of practicing chastity:

  • Feelings of guilt: Some people may experience feelings of guilt or shame if they believe that their sexual desires or practices are at odds with their religious or moral beliefs.
  • Frustration: Abstaining from sexual activity can lead to feelings of frustration, particularly if sexual desires are not being met.
  • Repression: For some people, practicing chastity can result in repressed sexual desires and emotions, which can have negative psychological effects.
  • Low self-esteem: If chastity is imposed on someone against their will, it can lead to low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness.
  • Anxiety: Some people may experience anxiety if they feel that they are unable to meet the expectations or demands placed on them in regards to chastity.

For me as a sub, which is the minimum and maximum duration of a chastity period?

The minimum and maximum duration of a chastity period varies greatly depending on the individual and the context. Some people may choose to practice chastity for a short period of time, such as a few days or weeks, while others may choose to practice chastity for a much longer period, such as several months or even years. There is no set minimum or maximum duration for chastity, as the practice can be tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences.

In some cases, chastity may be a temporary aspect of a BDSM relationship, with agreed-upon periods of chastity and release. In other cases, chastity may be a longer-term aspect of a relationship or a personal choice made for spiritual or other reasons.

Practicing chastity with the use of chastity devices or restraints can present some hygiene concerns. It is important to ensure that any device used is clean and well-maintained, and to follow proper cleaning procedures as directed by the manufacturer. In addition, it is important to be mindful of any skin irritation or other physical symptoms that may occur as a result of wearing a chastity device, and to take steps to address any concerns as needed.

Regular hygiene practices, such as proper hygiene of the genital area, should also be maintained even if a person is practicing chastity. It is also important to seek medical attention if there are any concerns or symptoms related to hygiene or cleanliness.

As with any aspect of sexual or BDSM practices, clear communication, mutual consent, and the establishment of safe and respectful boundaries are crucial for the well-being of all parties involved.

Which are my favorite male chastity tool?

These devices are typically worn around the penis and testicles to prevent erection and sexual stimulation. Some common types of male chastity devices include:

  • 貞操 cages: A metal or plastic cage that encases the penis and prevents erection.
  • 貞操 belts: A belt that fits around the waist and includes a device to cover the genital area.
  • 貞操 plugs: A device that is inserted into the urethra to prevent stimulation and erection.
  • 貞操 rings: A ring that is placed around the base of the penis to prevent erection.

The most popular male chastity device is the chastity cage. Chastity cages are a type of device that encases the penis and testicles, preventing erection and sexual stimulation. They are widely used in BDSM relationships and are a popular choice among those interested in male chastity.

Chastity cages come in a variety of designs and materials, ranging from basic metal cages to more elaborate devices with additional features such as locks and alarms. The popularity of chastity cages is likely due to their versatility and effectiveness in preventing sexual stimulation.

It’s important to note that popularity does not equal safety or effectiveness, and it is important to carefully research and choose a device that is well-made, fits properly, and meets your needs and desires.

As with any aspect of sexual or BDSM practices, clear communication, mutual consent, and the establishment of safe and respectful boundaries are crucial for the well-being of all parties involved.

I really love to experience a male chastity day. What shall I do?

If you are interested in experiencing male chastity, here are some steps you can follow:

  • Research: Learn as much as you can about male chastity day, including different types of devices and practices, the psychological and physical effects, and any potential risks and benefits.
  • コミュニケーション: Talk to your partner or any other person involved in the experience about your desires and boundaries. Establish clear communication and make sure everyone is on the same page.
  • Safety: Choose a well-made device that fits properly and meets your needs. Make sure to follow all instructions and safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer.
  • Experimentation: Start small and gradually increase the duration and intensity of the male chastity day experience as you feel comfortable. Be mindful of any physical or psychological symptoms and adjust accordingly.
  • コミュニケーション: Regularly check in with your partner or others involved and make sure everyone is comfortable and happy with the experience.

Practicing a male chastity day can be a challenging and intense experience for some people, especially for those who are new to it. It can be difficult to adjust to the physical and psychological changes that come with wearing a chastity device, and it can be challenging to resist the urge to engage in sexual activity.

However, it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for those who are open to it. For many people, the thrill of surrendering control and exploring new aspects of their sexuality is a key aspect of the appeal of a male chastity day.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s experiences and feelings about chastity are unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It is important to be honest with yourself and others about your feelings and boundaries, and to adjust the experience as needed to ensure that it is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Clear communication, mutual consent, and the establishment of safe and respectful boundaries are crucial for the well-being of all parties involved, and it is important to regularly check in and make sure everyone is happy and comfortable with the experience.

Find out the official male chastity day in 2024.